Posted by Paul Sandler, NGC Grader on 1/20/2015
Wheel marks are most often seen on 20th-century silver and are easily missed by the inexperienced eye.
Tanda roda yang paling sering dilihat di perak abad ke-20 dan mudah terlepas dengan mata yang tidak berpengalaman.
Wheel marks are a concentrated area of hairlines that are caused by the rubber wheels in coin counting machines. When there is insufficient spacing between them, the wheels can essentially polish a small portion of the surface of the coin. These wheel marks are most often seen on 20th century silver such as Mercury and Roosevelt dimes as well as silver Washington quarters since these are the types of coins that you would most expect to be run through counting machines by dealers.
Tanda roda adalah kawasan yang penuh garis bulu yang disebabkan oleh roda getah di mesin syiling pengiraan. Apabila ada jarak antara mereka tidak mencukupi, roda-roda pada dasarnya boleh menggilap sebahagian kecil permukaan duit syiling. Tanda-tanda roda yang paling sering dilihat di perak pada abad ke-20 seperti Mercury dan Roosevelt dimes serta perak Washington pihak kerana ini adalah jenis duit syiling yang paling anda inginkan untuk dijalankan melalui mesin menggira oleh para peniaga.
While they are easily spotted by an experienced coin grader, they can be quite difficult for those who don’t know what they are looking for to see. Below are some examples of wheel marks on Washington quarters.
Walaupun mereka mudah dikesan oleh pemeringkat syiling yang berpengalaman, ini boleh menjadi agak sukar bagi mereka yang tidak tahu di mana yang mereka perlu cari untuk melihat. Di bawah adalah beberapa contoh tanda roda pada suku Washington.

Photographed in normal lighting, this 1954 Washington Quarter looks
completely normal aside from the small die break on the eagle’s wing.

This is the same coin turned perpendicular
to the light. You can see the large
wheel mark across the eagle.

This 1957 Washington Quarter also looks pretty nice with a regular image.

This is a picture of the same 1957 Quarter
(note the reed mark by the ear)
with a slightly lower angle on the lighting.
Now the wheel mark across the face stands out like a sore thumb.
Sekarang tanda roda di bahagian muka menonjol seperti ibu jari sakit.
As you can see, they are very hard to spot in online images with normal lighting. The wheel marks must be perpendicular to the light source to stand out. This is why it is essential to rotate coins while grading.
Seperti yang anda lihat, ini adalah sangat sukar untuk melihat dalam imej dalam sinaran lampu biasa. Markah roda mestilah bersudut tepat dengan sumber cahaya untuk menonjol. Inilah sebabnya mengapa ia adalah penting untuk berputar syiling semasa penggredan.
If you are still having trouble seeing a wheel mark, it can also be helpful to pull the coins a bit out of the light as that can help accentuate the hairlines. This reduces the angle at which the light hits the coin, causing the damage to stand out more prominently as shown in the second photo of the 1957 quarter above.
Jika anda masih mempunyai masalah melihat tanda roda, ia juga boleh membantu untuk menarik syiling sedikit dari cahaya seperti yang dapat membantu menyerlahkan garis bulu. Ini mengurangkan sudut di mana lampu terkena syiling, menyebabkan bahagian kerosakan menonjol lebih jelas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar kedua suku 1957 di atas.
Coins with wheel marks are not eligible for NGC numeric grading and will receive an NGC Details grade along with the “Obverse Wheel Mark” or “Reverse Wheel Mark” notation.
Syiling dengan tanda roda tidak layak untuk NGC penggredan angka dan akan menerima NGC Butiran gred bersama-sama dengan notasi "Hadapan Wheel Mark" atau "Reverse Wheel Mark".
Source: NGC official website