Numis Galleries House is a platform which sharing about market reviews, collecting matters and coin facts in numismatic collection for Straits Settlement, Malaya and British Borneo, Sarawak, Malaya Japanese, and Malaysia.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
人间友爱,社会回馈计划/ Charity and Loving Society Programme
从24/08/2016开始,Numis Galleries House 部落格将会植入广告,所有的广告的收益将会充作社会慈善用途,希望各位收藏挚友能时常帮忙点击阅读内附的广告,你的热心帮忙将会给我们的社会带来更多的温暖。
Since 24/08/2016, Numis Galleries House's blog will create advertisement column for charity purpose. All the revenue from advertisement will be channeled to the needy groups. Thanks to our readers for always click and read the advertisement columns. Your kind acts are highly appreciated.