
Saturday 5 December 2015

What is Damaged Grade?

DAMAGED is a catchall term used when the coin displays any form of destructive contact that may not be defined more precisely. This may be narrowed down a bit by specifying OBV DAMAGE, REV DAMAGE, RIM DAMAGE or EDGE DAMAGE. In general, the damaged coin is fallen as "Details Grade".

The photo below illustrates one of the sample of OBV Damage by NGC.

DAMAGED (损坏)的意识,主要是指币面展现出曾经被破坏的迹象,同时类似的破坏主因也很难地去考究和判断。目前损坏鉴定的可分为三种类别就是正面损坏,背面损坏或者边齿(边缘)损坏。一般来说被鉴定为损坏的硬币将会被纳入Details等级。


Photo credit to

From the photo above, you may notice some physical damages found from the part of Queen's face to neck, the other part of coin is optimal in condition, no significant hairlines was found. It was graded as UNC Details by NGC. Such symptom may likely due to the destruction in minting process. 

在上图可能会注意到女王肖像的脸部至颈部间有一些机械性损害,其他的部分则非常的完好没有发现到有明显地细线。这枚硬币被 NGC 评 UNC Details这种症状可能由于铸造过程中被遭受的破坏
